Monday, November 10, 2008

Thing 9, 2008: Google Docs and iGoogle

In 2008 Google Docs was Thing 9 and it was my job to present the Thing. I added iGoogle as a fun thing to do.
So ... Google Docs? Would be great for sharing the editing of a document, especially when the editors are not in one physical location with access to a shared folder on an intranet. Docs and Spreadsheets have all the basic functions that the equivalent Office products have. Perhaps, though, for work-related documents, once a document is finalised, it would be best shared somewhere more under control of the organisation that you work for. eg shared folder on intranet.
BTW, you can publish Google docs so they're available to anyone on the web. My published document is here.
As for iGoogle - that's just plain fun. However, it's useful to be able to pull all your 'things' together in and around the one page - feeds, gmail, and also the library's google gadget. Here is an image of my iGoogle page:

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